Search result for: Taxes
13 results

Business aviation and taxes
It is widely misunderstood that aviation, and Business aviation in particular, does not pay taxes on its operations. In fact, the fiscal regime for Business aviation in Europe is highly fragmented, with many different taxes being applied differently in various European Member States.

EU Commissioner for Transport reiterates taxing 'private aviation' is not in the plans
Commissioner Vălean flagged that there is no intention from the European Commission to further tax Business aviation...

European Parliament rejects a report targeting Business aviation
A European Parliament's report targeting Business aviation did not receive final approval from the Plenary...

Trailblazing the green frontier: EBAA's insights and tactics amidst the European Green Deal
The tax implications of the European Green Deal on Business aviation demand a flexible and adaptive approach from EBAA in calling for tax harmonisation among EU's Member States.

Portugal introduces new carbon tax
The European Business aviation sector has recently encountered several legislative challenges from EU Member States. This article will analyse the latest Portuguese Carbon Tax and delve into EBAA national advocacy initiatives in the Netherlands and France.

Navigating the Challenges of the Business aviation Market: An Update for 2023
The past three years have been among the most complicated in the history of aviation. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic caused the most disruptive episode in air travel history...

Energy Tax Directive: a significant taxation reform to come
In July, the European Commission issued its "Fit For 55 Package", a series of legislative proposals under the European Green Deal. The aim is to make all sectors of the EUs economy ready to meet the challenge of a climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Business aviation sustainability: Tax vs Carbon Offset
In this unprecedented global downturn, there are calls from some quarters to ensure that as part of the recovery and return to normal operations process, aircraft operators do so, whether they have received assistance or not, with an improved environmental profile.

European Business aviation community calls for urgent safeguarding measures from European Institutions and national governments
2 April 2020 (Brussels). Today, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), as well as national associations together urged European policy-makers and regulators to protect the continuity and survival of the Business aviation sector in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fuel tax & Business aviation - A legal impact analysis
European Member States apply the Energy Taxation Directive (Council Directive 2003/96/EC) in different ways. This leads to a gap in the interpretation of European law and to implementation issues.