Search result for: Operations
156 results

European Business Aviation sends urgent call to action in restoring European connectivity ahead of EU summit
European Business Aviation sends urgent call to action in restoring European connectivity ahead of EU summit
24 March 2021, Brussels. Today, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) urged EU institutions, European Member states, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and other vital stakeholders to collaborate closely and develop harmonised rules for the safe reopening of air travel, proposing guidelines that ensure Business aviation’s safe and timely return to operations.

Open letter to EU institutions on restoring Business aviation activity
EBAA urges national governments and the EU to coordinate and develop concrete plans to restore the free movement of people and fully restart Business aviation activity

Brexit: Update on the future of the UK Block Permit schemes
Following several meetings with the UK CAA and the Department of Transport, EBAA has drafted an update on the possible future of the UK Block Permit scheme programme.

Market Based Measures (CORSIA)
There are several regulatory market-based measures, such as the Carbon Offsetting Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

European Business aviation sends urgent call to action to eliminate administrative barriers caused by Brexit
European Business aviation sends urgent call to action to eliminate administrative barriers caused by Brexit
10 March 2021, Brussels. Today, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) urged National Authorities to eliminate administrative barriers following the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, highlighting it is for the benefit of all those involved.

Urgent call to action on administrative barriers following brexit
EBAA urges National authorities to eliminate administrative barriers in the issuance of permits and authorisations for non-scheduled flights following the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

Augmented Approaches to Land II: An EU-Funded project
EFVS operations are a key solution to expand access at secondary aerodromes in degraded weather conditions, maximising overall flexibility of operations as well as reducing the environmental footprint of a flight.

EBAA, NBAA Cancel EBACE2021, Plan for New, Virtual Programming During EBACE Week
EBAA, NBAA Cancel EBACE2021, Plan for New, Virtual Programming During EBACE Week
4 February 2021, Brussels, Belgium/ Washington, DC. Due to the global COVID-19 crisis, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today announced the cancellation of the 2021 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition 2021 (EBACE2021), while making plans for new, virtual EBACE programming from May 18-20, the previously planned dates for EBACE2021.

Extended Brexit Guidance
Following the publishing of the draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, EBAA continuously provides guidance to operators on how to continue operations in a post-Brexit reality.