Search result for: Membership
80 results

Materials for the EBAA 2021 Annual General Meeting
EBAA members can download all the 2021 AGM pre-read documentation here.
EBAA Annual General Meeting

Meet the newest EBAA members
In these challenging times members continue to see the need for EBAA’s guidance and support. Meet our new, recently joined members:

Brexit: The story's not over yet
The end of the Brexit transition period meant significant changes for our operators, notably regarding traffic rights, permits & authorisations, certifications & licences and taxation.

BoG Meeting 26 February
2nd BoG of 2021

Extended Brexit Guidance
Following the publishing of the draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, EBAA continuously provides guidance to operators on how to continue operations in a post-Brexit reality.

BoG Meeting 22 January
1st BoG of 2021

EBAA signs member sharing agreement with Irish association
EBAA has entered into a member sharing agreement with the recently launched Irish Business and General Aviation Association (IBGAA).

Dealing with internet scams
The internet and the ability to work online is a blessing where most the work is being conducted remotely. Imagine that the COVID19 Pandemic had occurred 20 years ago in a time when we were not so well connected. However, there is a downside, scamming and internet fraud is on the rise.

EBAA gains new members
In a challenging industry climate, EBAA continues to welcome new companies into its membership.