Search result for: Membership
80 results

EBAA's Ambassador Programme welcomes companies driving sustainable growth in Business aviation
The EBAA Ambassador Programme continues to strengthen in 2023 by adding 4 new Business aviation companies distinguishing themselves for being champions in sustainability.

EU Taxonomy: Sustainable financing risks for Business aviation
The EU Taxonomy is set to open a new chapter in the history of sustainable financing in Europe. In this article, we aim to unpack the Taxonomy framework and reflect on its risks for the Business aviation sector.

EBAA signs the United for Wildlife Buckingham Palace Declaration at EBACE2023
EBAA signing of the United for Wildlife Buckingham Palace Declaration at EBACE2023 marks a new cornerstone in the association's long-standing commitment towards sustainability.

European Business Aviation mourns the loss of Secretary-General Athar Husain Khan
Brussels, 27 March 2023. Today, European Business Aviation Association Chairman Juergen Wiese informed the EBAA membership of the passing of EBAA Secretary-General Athar Husain Khan on Sunday 26 March 2023, at 60 years old.
Business aviation in the public eye: advancing towards a common response
Business aviation in the public eye: advancing towards a common response

Ambassador programme goes from strength to strength
EBAA’s ambassador programme is going from strength to strength and recently added 9 new ambassadors.
EBAA Annual General Meeting 2022

BoG Meeting 28 January
1st BoG of 2022

The IBAC Carbon Exchange – An Overview
The IBAC Carbon Exchange – An Overview
The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) has recently announced its new alliance with Carbon Trade eXchange (CTX). This partnership will provide a transparent and efficient platform for Business aviation companies to voluntarily purchase carbon credits to offset their CO2 emissions as part of an overall sustainability plan.