Search result for: Industry update
225 results
EP TRAN committee agrees on amendments to Brexit preparedness
Ensuring safe flying after Brexit – Council agrees on its position
The EU is taking the steps which are needed to continue to ensure a high level of aviation safety in its airspace the event that the UK leaves the EU without a negotiated agreement. Today, the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee approved a mandate for the presidency to start talks with the European Parliament on a proposal to ensure continued validity of certain aviation safety certificates.
BoG - 21 - 22 November 2019
The last BoG meeting of 2019
BoG - 13-14 June 2019
The second BoG meeting of 2019
BoG - 22 February 2019
The First BoG meeting of 2019
BoG - 23 November 2018
The last BoG meeting of 2018
Ten Business Aviation young professionals serve as delegates to 2018 One Young World Summit
The Hague, Netherlands. The Business Aviation industry in Europe is being represented by 10 dynamic, young professionals at the 2018 One Young World Summit, taking place 17-20 October in The Hague, Netherlands.
Towards a full EGNOS capacity deployment in aviation: The EBAA welcomes the new Performance-Based Navigation Implementing Rule (PBN-IR)
The EBAA welcomes the new Performance Based Navigation Implementing Rule (PBN-IR). It opens the door to the large deployment of EGNOS-based procedures at secondary and tertiary airports. EGNOS enables precision approaches with vertical and lateral guidance – so-called LPV.
EBAA holds joint roundtable at Shannon Airport with MEP Deirdre Clune
22 June 2018 - SHANNON, County Clare, Ireland - In association with MEP Deirdre Clune (Ireland South) and Shannon Airport, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) today is holding its ‘Meet Your MEP’ event at Shannon Airport in the company of key stakeholders from the region and beyond. Meet Your MEP is an opportunity for members of the European Parliament to meet with leading Business Aviation (BizAv) operators in their region in order to discuss the contributions of, and issues particular to, Europe’s EUR87 billion and almost 400,000-person strong BizAv industry.
EBACE2018 concludes as a strong, forward-looking show
Geneva, Switzerland, 31 May 2018 - As the 2018 edition of the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) concluded its third and final day today, organizers reported that by every measure, the event once again served as a powerful and forward-looking showcase for the European business aviation industry.