Search result for: Industry data
161 results

PNR in Poland update 2023
Polish authorities have adopted stricter measure in enforcing Passenger Name Record (PNR) regulations...

Portugal introduces new carbon tax
The European Business aviation sector has recently encountered several legislative challenges from EU Member States. This article will analyse the latest Portuguese Carbon Tax and delve into EBAA national advocacy initiatives in the Netherlands and France.

Single European Sky: A rocky path towards decarbonising the European airspace
The Single European Sky has been one of the most intricate conundrums in the recent chronicles of EU aviation policy. Let's discover its recent developments and the work of EBAA in representing Business aviation's voice in this key piece of legislation for the future of the European airspace.

European Business aviation traffic tracker (May 2023)
Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for May 2023.
Annual Business Aviation Safety Summit 2023

European Business aviation traffic tracker (April 2023)
Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for April 2023.

European Business aviation traffic tracker (March 2023)
Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for March 2023.

European Business aviation traffic tracker (February 2023)
Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for February 2023.

European Business aviation traffic tracker (January 2023)
Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for January 2023.

Navigating the Challenges of the Business aviation Market: An Update for 2023
The past three years have been among the most complicated in the history of aviation. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic caused the most disruptive episode in air travel history...