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142 results


Fit for 55 and public opinion: does the end justify the means?

The European Commission’s “Fit for 55” package published last July includes several proposals which will significantly affect our sector and society in general in the years to come.
Fit for 55 and public opinion: does the end justify the means?

Business aviation partners with CTX to offer seamless carbon offset resource to Business aviation

EBAA, through its membership with IBAC, has announced its new alliance with Carbon Trade eXchange (CTX) to provide a transparent and efficient platform for business aviation companies to voluntarily purchase carbon credits to offset their CO2 emissions as part of an overall sustainability plan
Business aviation partners with CTX to offer seamless carbon offset resource to Business aviation

Six Business aviation companies are ready to pilot S.T.A.R.S. and help accelerate sustainability across the industry

Brussels/ Montreal, 19 July 2021. Today, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and the International Business Aviation Council announce the launch of a comprehensive pilot programme for S.T.A.R.S. - Standards & Training for Aviation Responsibility and Sustainability.
Six Business aviation companies are ready to pilot S.T.A.R.S. and help accelerate sustainability across the industry

European Business Aviation industry encouraged by RefuelEU Aviation initiative

Brussels, 15 July 2021. Today, industry associations European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) are encouraged by the newly published RefuelEU Aviation Initiative, as it works towards advancing the production, availability and use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) in the region.
European Business Aviation industry encouraged by RefuelEU Aviation initiative

Is SAF implemented in the legislation of Turkey?

Whilst the Business aviation operators are committed to make their industry greener and sustainable and the ReFuel EU Aviation initiative of the European Commission is becoming more and more concrete, several national legislations already make the use of biofuel mandatory for the airlines.
Is SAF implemented in the legislation of Turkey?

Italy: How is SAF implemented in the legislation of EU member states?

Whilst the Business aviation operators are committed to make their industry greener and sustainable and the ReFuel EU Aviation initiative of the European Commission is becoming more and more concrete, several national legislations already make the use of biofuel mandatory for the airlines.
Italy: How is SAF implemented in the legislation of EU member states?

Germany: How is SAF implemented in the legislation of EU member states?

Whilst the Business aviation operators are committed to make their industry greener and sustainable and the ReFuel EU Aviation initiative of the European Commission is becoming more and more concrete, several national legislations already make the use of biofuel mandatory for the airlines.
Germany: How is SAF implemented in the legislation of EU member states?

EUROCONTROL think papers on aviation, sustainability and rail transport

Eurocontrol recently published two think papers on aviation, sustainability and rail transport. Useful and full of interesting documentation, EBAA gladly takes this opportunity to share and promote the contents.
EUROCONTROL think papers on aviation, sustainability and rail transport

EASA publishes results of UAM societal acceptance study

On 19 May, EASA shared the results of a comprehensive study on public perception of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solutions, conducted over a period of 6 months.
EASA publishes results of UAM societal acceptance study

EBAA becomes a member of the Flight Safety Foundation

The EBAA team is proud to report becoming a member of the prestigious Flight Safety Foundation in early May.
EBAA becomes a member of the Flight Safety Foundation