Search result for: Environment
142 results
EU Taxonomy: why is business aviation excluded, what this means for the sector and how we can respond?

EBACE2024 keynote to spotlight industry, government leaders shaping aviation’s future
EBAA and NBAA announce EBACE keynote session's lineup featuring industry visionaries and European decision-makers...
European Business Aviation Summit 2024

Luxaviation introduces electric equipment at FBOs
In an effort to reduce ground emissions to zero at FBOs Luxaviation Group succeded to implement new electric ground handling equipment at two key FBO's of its global network...

EBAA Secretary General Holger Krahmer visits Luxaviation Group’s facilities
EBAA Secretary General Holger Krahmer visit at Luxaviation's FBO in Zavantem was an opportunity to reflect on the challenges the industry will face moving forward...

EBAA charts its course to becoming a stronger association following a successful AGM2024
This year's EBAA AGM was a landmark edition that set a new course for the association towards providing invaluable value to its membership...

EBAA regrets Single European Sky (SES 2+) agreement as missed opportunity for climate targets
EBAA voices concerns over Single European Sky (SES 2+) agreement's impact on aviation decarbonisation...

EU Commissioner for Transport reiterates taxing 'private aviation' is not in the plans
Commissioner Vălean flagged that there is no intention from the European Commission to further tax Business aviation...

Above and Beyond: European Business Aviation to Uplift SAF Beyond Minimum Requirements
Brussels, 31 January 2024. The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) today announced a joint initiative aimed at significantly boosting the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) within the European Business Aviation sector. This ambitious move goes well beyond current legislative requirements, signalling a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability in aviation.

New ICAO’s decarbonisation targets reinvigorate Business aviation own impetus to adopt SAF
As ICAO embraces a global framework for SAF deployment, Business aviation companies throughout the value chain unveil significant advancements in SAF adoption.