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EBAA Celebrates Landmark Victory in Polish Supreme Administrative Court PNR Case

Brussels, May 24, 2024 – The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is proud to announce a significant legal victory in Poland, marking a historic precedent for the Passenger Name Record (PNR) issue in the country. Yesterday, the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland issued a landmark ruling, the first of its kind, which opens the path for all affected parties to pursue their claims regarding PNR regulations.
EBAA Celebrates Landmark Victory in Polish Supreme Administrative Court PNR Case

EBAA Insights Webinar: Can collective industry reduce illegal flights?

EBAA Insights Webinar: Can collective industry reduce illegal flights?

EBAA welcomes Dublin Airport’s reversal on passenger traffic cap

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) announced the withdrawal of the planned passenger traffic cap at Dublin Airport (EIDW) following a successful joint advocacy initiative of IBGAA, with the active support of EBAA and NBAA...
EBAA welcomes Dublin Airport’s reversal on passenger traffic cap

EBAA welcomes Brussels Airport's financial support for SAF use throughout 2024

To accelerate the sustainable evolution of aviation and encourage the use of SAF, Brussels Airport Company, backed by government assistance, is providing a unique financial incentive for adopting sustainable aviation fuel during 2024.
EBAA welcomes Brussels Airport's financial support for SAF use throughout 2024

EBAA launches Ambassador Podcast

EBAA enriches its Ambassador programme by kicking off a new insightful podcast...
EBAA launches Ambassador Podcast

EBAA future workforce initiative continues to gain traction at ENAC

EBAA future workforce initiative goes from strength to strength with a new module on Business aviation held at ENAC...
EBAA future workforce initiative continues to gain traction at ENAC

EBAA charts its course to becoming a stronger association following a successful AGM2024

This year's EBAA AGM was a landmark edition that set a new course for the association towards providing invaluable value to its membership...
EBAA charts its course to becoming a stronger association following a successful AGM2024

EBAA regrets Single European Sky (SES 2+) agreement as missed opportunity for climate targets

EBAA voices concerns over Single European Sky (SES 2+) agreement's impact on aviation decarbonisation...
EBAA regrets Single European Sky (SES 2+) agreement as missed opportunity for climate targets

EBAA AirOps 2024 event soars to new heights

The EBAA AirOps 2024 event concluded with resounding success, witnessing a remarkable 25% increase in attendance compared to previous years...
EBAA AirOps 2024 event soars to new heights