Search result for: Brexit
29 results

The Business aviation Brexit Checklist
To ensure European operators are well prepared for a potential no-deal Brexit scenario, we created a checklist to help Business aviation operators consider the changes that the end of the transition period may bring to their operations.

Brexit: Getting ready for changes
On 9 July 2020, the European Commission adopted a communication to help national authorities, businesses and citizens prepare for the inevitable changes that will arise at the end of the transition period.

Do you remember Brexit?
The UK left the European Union at 11.00 PM CET on 31 January 2020, ending 47 years of membership.

Business aviation and Brexit
EBAA closely follows the developments following the publishing of the draft Free Trade Agreement between the EU and UK on behalf of the European Business aviation sector for a smooth transition.

EP TRAN committee agrees on amendments to Brexit preparedness

Ensuring safe flying after Brexit – Council agrees on its position
The EU is taking the steps which are needed to continue to ensure a high level of aviation safety in its airspace the event that the UK leaves the EU without a negotiated agreement. Today, the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee approved a mandate for the presidency to start talks with the European Parliament on a proposal to ensure continued validity of certain aviation safety certificates.

Brexit scenarios for Business aviation
The report, completed in partnership with Clyde & Co, presents the current relationship between the EU and the UK, before presenting six scenarios for a future one.

Navigating the Challenges of the Business aviation Market: An Update for 2023
The past three years have been among the most complicated in the history of aviation. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic caused the most disruptive episode in air travel history...

Recent developments on international data transfer under GDPR
Recent developments on international data transfer under GDPR
What do Business aviation operators need to think about when transferring personal data to third parties?

BoG Meeting 10 June
3rd BoG of 2021