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61 results


Council of European Business Aviation Associations

The Council of European Business Aviation Associations acts as a forum for national associations in Europe to share expertise and collaborate on pan-European projects.
Council of European Business Aviation Associations

Associate Member Advisory Council

The Associate Member Advisory Council advises the EBAA Board of Governors on areas of interest to the membership and acts as the bridge between EBAA and our associate members.
Associate Member Advisory Council

A Roadmap for European Business aviation

By the end of 2019, over 1 million passengers will have boarded a business aircraft in Europe, and many factors will have driven this demand, from business and medical, to governmental needs for point-to-point transportation.
A Roadmap for European Business aviation

Join EBAA and more than 700 members

Access technical and operational aviation experts. Receive regular industry statistics and reports. Stay updated on regulatory and legislative changes. Expand your network and attend events. Discover all the benefits of becoming an EBAA member.

Join EBAA and more than 700 members

European Business aviation in policies

EBAA advocates for policies that better the European Business aviation sector on behalf of more than 700 member companies. Developing and advocating for a changing industry is at the forefront of EBAA’s actions.
European Business aviation in policies

We are all ONE in the sky

13 November, 2020 (Brussels). EBAA, along with members of Europe's leading aviation associations have today published a joint paper setting out the principles to support the safe integration into European airspace of unmanned aircraft, or 'drones'.
We are all ONE in the sky

Business aviation soaring to new heights in Malta

31 October 2019 (Valletta). As part of the premier edition of the Malta Aviation Conference and Exhibition (MACE - 30 October - 1 November in Valletta), the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and Malta Business Aviation Association (MBAA) are putting corporate aviation centre stage, demonstrating the significant impact the industry has had in Malta’s rapid growth.
Business aviation soaring to new heights in Malta

Changes to non-objection procedures for flights to and from Russia

Operations to and from Russia by non-Russian operators need to obtain approval 5 days prior to the flight and a "non-objection" from 8 Russian operators. RUBAA (Russian United Business Aviation Association) informed us that the rules came out but without clear guidance or processes in place.
Changes to non-objection procedures for flights to and from Russia

EBAA reaffirms importance of business aviation, calls for inclusive European Aviation Framework

12 April, 2019 (Bucharest). European business aviation calls for an inclusive European Aviation Framework to enable improved connectivity, efficiency, European competitiveness and regional cohesion across the continent.
EBAA reaffirms importance of business aviation, calls for inclusive European Aviation Framework

EP TRAN committee agrees on amendments to Brexit preparedness

EP TRAN committee agrees on amendments to Brexit preparedness