Search result for: AMAC
57 results
BoG Meeting 18-19 June
The third BoG meeting of 2020
Guidelines and recommendations for charter flight contracting
Materials for the EBAA 2020 General Assembly
EBAA General Assembly postponed until after 6 April 2020
18 March 2020 (Brussels). The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) today announced that it will postpone its annual General Assembly by teleconference planned for 20 March 2020.
EBAA Annual Meetings 2020 - Mission Modified
The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) has today announced that its 2020 Annual Meetings event, scheduled to take place in Brussels from 19-20 March 2020 will not go ahead as planned following the escalation of the Coronavirus outbreak in Europe
Update on the EBAA Annual Meetings and the COVID-19 outbreak
The safety and security of the participants at the EBAA Annual Meetings is the highest priority for the EBAA. As of this time, EBAA intends to proceed with the Annual Meetings as planned, while working with government and industry experts to inform ongoing decisions.
Update on the EBAA Annual Meetings and the Coronavirus Outbreak
The safety and security of the participants at the EBAA Annual Meetings is the highest priority for the EBAA. As of this time, EBAA intends to proceed with the Annual Meetings as planned, while working with government and industry experts to inform ongoing decisions.
Business aviation risk - memories, realities and possibilities
Fuel tax & Business aviation - A legal impact analysis
European Member States apply the Energy Taxation Directive (Council Directive 2003/96/EC) in different ways. This leads to a gap in the interpretation of European law and to implementation issues.