
Business aviation and sustainability

Sustainability and good sustainable practices are the norm for many organisations and activities in Europe towards a lower carbon future. Business aviation is no exception to this notion and if our sector is to have a continued license to grow it will be dependent on its ability to do so sustainably and responsibly.



The Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change (BACCC) was published in 2009 by the International Business Aviation Council and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association. The publication of the Commitment is supported by the entire industry.

As the foundation for Business aviation to reduce its environmental impact, It sets three aspirational goals and a pathway through four mechanisms towards achieving these goals through various milestones out to 2050.

For Business aviation to be successful in reducing its impact on climate change and achieve the goals within the BACCC,  it is important to view all the mechanisms combined as a basket of measures.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a viable and certified alternative to fossil fuel and is a key element as described in the Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change (BACCC) towards reducing emissions from aircraft operations. Indeed, SAF can potentially reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional jet fuel.

As the availability of SAF at FBOs across Europe and globally continues to grow, robust supply at a competitive price is critical to achieving the industry’s net-zero aspirations as set out in the BACCC.

In a move to increase and fortify the integration of SAF in the Business aviation sector, the Business Aviation Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition was formed. The objective and intention of the SAF Coalition is to bridge the knowledge gap on SAF to all stakeholders across the Business aviation value chain as well as policymakers.

Market Based Measures and Carbon Offsetting

Market-based measures (MBMs) are policy instruments used to address environmental challenges in various industries. In the context of business aviation, MBMs have gained prominence in recent years as they address its climate impact beyond what can be achieved by the other pathways set out in the BACCC.

Carbon Offseting is part of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)’s basket of measures to achieve the industry’s global aspirational goals and to promote sustainable growth of international aviation, but can also be purchased voluntarily by companies or individuals. By investing in carbon offsets, the purchaser will compensate for the negative impact of its carbon emissions, by investing in projects or actions that reduce or remove an equivalent amount of carbon from the atmosphere. This can include, for example, investing in reforestation, direct air capture, renewable energy projects, energy efficiency initiatives, and these investments can also contribute to improvements in education, communities and human wellbeing and access to fresh water.

Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of challenges to all walks of life that were set out in 2015 as an update to the Millennium Goals originally established in 2000.

They seek to address climate change, end inequality, injustice and poverty amongst other important issues by 2030. While the SDGs apply to all, business, in particular, can align their sustainability portfolio with the SDGs, which will support them in achieving their own goals and supporting all three elements of sustainability.

While not all SDGs would apply at the same time to every business, they can be reviewed and applied as appropriate in aligning company goals with wider global aspirations.

For example; ICAO has aligned all of its global priorities and strategic objectives to the SDGs to ensure that developments and improvements within the aviation system support the initiative.

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Picture of
Maureen Gautier Manager, Sustainability & Future Workforce

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A Roadmap for European Business aviation 6.68 MB
Download: A Roadmap for European Business aviation
Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change: - An Update (2015) 2.37 MB
Download: Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change: - An Update (2015)
Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change (2009) 2.04 MB
Download: Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change (2009)
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Download: Guide to the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels