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Operational recommendations on the COVID19 outbreak

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is closely monitoring developments related to the Corona ‘2019-nCoV’s outbreak in the city of Wuhan, China.
Operational recommendations on the COVID19 outbreak

PNR, illegal charters and sustainability in focus at AIR OPS 2020

Are you in compliance with the Passenger Name Record (PNR) directive? How serious a business threat do Illegal air charters pose?
PNR, illegal charters and sustainability in focus at AIR OPS 2020

AIROPS20 Landing in Brussels. Europe’s premier event for flight operations professionals takes place 4-5 February 2020.

AIR OPS Europe 2020 is on approach to Brussels! Europe’s premier event for business aviation flight operations professionals is scheduled to touch down in the Capital of Europe on 4-5 February 2020.
AIROPS20 Landing in Brussels. Europe’s premier event for flight operations professionals takes place 4-5 February 2020.

EBAA hosts crisis communications webinar - exclusively for members!

How prepared are you to handle a crisis? In addition to following your ERP, do you know what to communicate? To whom? When? And how?
EBAA hosts crisis communications webinar - exclusively for members!

Milan Linate Airport to temporarily close for renovations

Italy’s Milan Linate Airport (LIN) will close for about three months as part of a project to refurbish the runway and commercial terminal, according to a notice sent to airport tenants and users.
Milan Linate Airport to temporarily close for renovations

Changes to non-objection procedures for flights to and from Russia

Operations to and from Russia by non-Russian operators need to obtain approval 5 days prior to the flight and a "non-objection" from 8 Russian operators. RUBAA (Russian United Business Aviation Association) informed us that the rules came out but without clear guidance or processes in place.
Changes to non-objection procedures for flights to and from Russia

EBAA membership reaches new heights, Europe’s largest operators join

Two of Europe’s largest operators, AvconJet and Jet Story recently joined EBAA strengthening the association’s membership with their voices and expertise.
EBAA membership reaches new heights, Europe’s largest operators join

Airspace users’ statement on the EU Air Traffic Management
(ATM) performance targets 2020-2024

The weakest levels of ambition in the history of the Single European Sky (SES) Performance and Charging scheme were approved by EU member states this week.
Airspace users’ statement on the EU Air Traffic Management
(ATM) performance targets 2020-2024

Important actions to ensure continuity of your flights to the UK

As an EU27 or EFTA operator you currently benefit from an exemption that allows you to undertake UK commercial operations without prior approval provided that the points served are all within the boundaries of the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA).
Important actions to ensure continuity of your flights to the UK

EP TRAN committee agrees on amendments to Brexit preparedness

EP TRAN committee agrees on amendments to Brexit preparedness

Ensuring safe flying after Brexit – Council agrees on its position

The EU is taking the steps which are needed to continue to ensure a high level of aviation safety in its airspace the event that the UK leaves the EU without a negotiated agreement. Today, the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee approved a mandate for the presidency to start talks with the European Parliament on a proposal to ensure continued validity of certain aviation safety certificates.
Ensuring safe flying after Brexit – Council agrees on its position

Ten Business Aviation young professionals serve as delegates to 2018 One Young World Summit

The Hague, Netherlands. The Business Aviation industry in Europe is being represented by 10 dynamic, young professionals at the 2018 One Young World Summit, taking place 17-20 October in The Hague, Netherlands.
Ten Business Aviation young professionals serve as delegates to 2018 One Young World Summit

Towards a full EGNOS capacity deployment in aviation: The EBAA welcomes the new Performance-Based Navigation Implementing Rule (PBN-IR)

The EBAA welcomes the new Performance Based Navigation Implementing Rule (PBN-IR). It opens the door to the large deployment of EGNOS-based procedures at secondary and tertiary airports. EGNOS enables precision approaches with vertical and lateral guidance – so-called LPV.
Towards a full EGNOS capacity deployment in aviation: The EBAA welcomes the new Performance-Based Navigation Implementing Rule (PBN-IR)

EBAA holds joint roundtable at Shannon Airport with MEP Deirdre Clune

22 June 2018 - SHANNON, County Clare, Ireland - In association with MEP Deirdre Clune (Ireland South) and Shannon Airport, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) today is holding its ‘Meet Your MEP’ event at Shannon Airport in the company of key stakeholders from the region and beyond. Meet Your MEP is an opportunity for members of the European Parliament to meet with leading Business Aviation (BizAv) operators in their region in order to discuss the contributions of, and issues particular to, Europe’s EUR87 billion and almost 400,000-person strong BizAv industry.
EBAA holds joint roundtable at Shannon Airport with MEP Deirdre Clune

EBACE2018 concludes as a strong, forward-looking show

Geneva, Switzerland, 31 May 2018 - As the 2018 edition of the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) concluded its third and final day today, organizers reported that by every measure, the event once again served as a powerful and forward-looking showcase for the European business aviation industry.
EBACE2018 concludes as a strong, forward-looking show

EBACE2018 dedicated to legacy of aviation leader Serge Dassault

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 29 May 2018 – European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) Chairman Juergen Wiese joined today with National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen in honoring the life and legacy of Dassault Group chairman emeritus and business aviation leader Serge Dassault, who passed away on 28 May, at age 93.
EBACE2018 dedicated to legacy of aviation leader Serge Dassault

BACA and EBAA unite forces to combat illegal charter flights

May 21, 2018 - BACA - The Air Charter Association Ltd. and the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) today announced their decision to join forces to combat illegal charter flights – often referred to as grey charter – where aircraft that have not been approved for paying passengers are used for charter. BACA and EBAA will collectively gather data, via a joint reporting mechanism, in an attempt to gain a more accurate picture of an activity that clearly puts at risk the safety and integrity of the air charter market as a whole and those who use it.
BACA and EBAA unite forces to combat illegal charter flights

Initiative on adoption of sustainable alternative jet fuels to be introduced at EBACE2018

The business aviation community has long been dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from aircraft, with a proven record of advances in carbon reduction, and that commitment will be on display during the 2018 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2018) with the announcement of a new initiative focused on raising awareness and adoption of available and emerging alternative jet fuel options.
Initiative on adoption of sustainable alternative jet fuels to be introduced at EBACE2018