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Dealing with internet scams

The internet and the ability to work online is a blessing where most the work is being conducted remotely. Imagine that the COVID19 Pandemic had occurred 20 years ago in a time when we were not so well connected. However, there is a downside, scamming and internet fraud is on the rise.
Dealing with internet scams

What does "net-zero" really mean?

Over the last couple of years or so, we have heard many countries, sectors and individual corporations declare that they will be “net-zero” by 2050. Where did this expression come from and what does it mean for us and the Business aviation sector?
What does "net-zero" really mean?

EBAA gains new members

In a challenging industry climate, EBAA continues to welcome new companies into its membership.
EBAA gains new members

European Commission puts forward measures in case of “No-Deal” Brexit

On 10 December 2020, the European Commission put forward contingency measures to mitigate some of the significant disruptions that will occur on 1 January in case a deal with the UK is not yet in place.
European Commission puts forward measures in case of “No-Deal” Brexit

EBAA joins urgent call for action from the assembled European aviation sector

EBAA signed a declaration, alongside 19 other European aviation associations calling for a bold strategy for a sustainable recovery of European aviation.
EBAA joins urgent call for action from the assembled European aviation sector

European airspace users provide views on the interim update of SES2+

While the COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted aviation and has caused a severe drop in traffic demand, it is also an opportunity to “build back better” a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable European Air Traffic Management, aligned with the political goals and ambition of the European Green Deal and a Europe that it fit for the digital age. The long awaited SES II + update proposal, published by the European Commission on 22 Sept, is therefore welcomed.
European airspace users provide views on the interim update of SES2+

A deeper look: COVID-19 impact on Business aviation by country

The Covid-19 outbreak is having a considerable impact on the aviation industry in Europe and around the world. More than 7 months after the beginning of the crisis and the grounding of almost all European airplanes until April, it is still difficult to have an overview of the impact of the pandemic on Business aviation
A deeper look: COVID-19 impact on Business aviation by country

New research programme: ATM and building the Digital European Sky

The European Commission is preparing the next European Research and Innovation Programme. In doing so, the Commission will set up partnerships (including the private sector as well as public entities) in several strategic industrial areas, including for air traffic management.
New research programme: ATM and building the Digital European Sky

Business aviation flight plan handling: EUROCONTROL’s guidelines to better fit into the Network picture

The COVID-19 crisis continues to severely impact the freedom of movements in Europe. Member States unilaterally impose travel restrictions, travel bans, tests and quarantine. This heavily hit the airline industry which has still not fully recovered even during the usually busy summer holiday season. Its traffic remained at around 45% of the 2019 levels.
Business aviation flight plan handling: EUROCONTROL’s guidelines to better fit into the Network picture

EBAA’s Associate Members (AMAC) rethink Business aviation

The Associate Member Advisory Council (AMAC), a group which advises the EBAA Board of Governors on areas of interest to the membership and acts as the bridge between EBAA and our associate members, recently launched an online virtual roundtable series aimed at rethinking different aspects of the Business aviation industry.
EBAA’s Associate Members (AMAC) rethink Business aviation

EBAA adds five new services to member advantage marketplace

EBAA recently boosted its member advantage programme, which allows EBAA members access to exclusive members benefits.
This means that EBAA members can make significant savings thanks to a range of exclusive offers with some of our trusted member companies.
EBAA adds five new services to member advantage marketplace

EBAA adds 45 companies to membership

The summer and early Autumn months have seen an uptick in members joining the EBAA, with many citing EBAA’s bolstered data services and operational updates as a reason for joining.
EBAA adds 45 companies to membership

Novel fuel sources for Business aviation

As we enter the third decade of the century, the focus on environmental and wider sustainability responsibilities within civil aviation becomes more acute, this of course includes Business aviation. This is further heightened as the sector recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, which has also been linked to improved environmental performance.
Novel fuel sources for Business aviation

Brexit: Getting ready for changes

On 9 July 2020, the European Commission adopted a communication to help national authorities, businesses and citizens prepare for the inevitable changes that will arise at the end of the transition period.
Brexit: Getting ready for changes

What you need to know about the new EBAA website

In the crowded landscape of EU public affairs, a compelling online presence is more necessary than ever to help decision-makers make informed choices that affect the Business aviation sector.
What you need to know about the new EBAA website

COVID-19: Borders are opening, with restrictions still in place

As of 1 July 2020, the European Commission advises EU and Schengen member states to progressively re-open their borders to residents of certain third countries through a new portal “Re-open EU”.
COVID-19: Borders are opening, with restrictions still in place

COVID-19: EASA publishes guidelines to ease FTL compliance

On 26 May, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announced the COVID-19 guidelines for FTL temporary exemptions.
COVID-19: EASA publishes guidelines to ease FTL compliance

COVID-19: Coordination is vital for proper recovery in airspace management

In these times of crisis, coordination is vital to develop joint solutions which will ease a quick return to normal flight operations.
COVID-19: Coordination is vital for proper recovery in airspace management

Are you aware of the developments on the European Communication and Surveillance mandates?

Europe has been very busy in the past years to reform the way airspace is managed to build a more efficient system.
Are you aware of the developments on the European Communication and Surveillance mandates?

New AMAC virtual events series

Associate Member Advisory Council launches webinar series: rethinking Business Aviation
New AMAC virtual events series