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Open letter to EU institutions on restoring Business aviation activity

EBAA urges national governments and the EU to coordinate and develop concrete plans to restore the free movement of people and fully restart Business aviation activity
Open letter to EU institutions on restoring Business aviation activity

Brexit: Update on the future of the UK Block Permit schemes

Following several meetings with the UK CAA and the Department of Transport, EBAA has drafted an update on the possible future of the UK Block Permit scheme programme.

Brexit: Update on the future of the UK Block Permit schemes

Urgent call to action on administrative barriers following brexit

EBAA urges National authorities to eliminate administrative barriers in the issuance of permits and authorisations for non-scheduled flights following the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Urgent call to action on administrative barriers following brexit

Antonia Gilbert appointed Chair of Austrian Business Aviation Association

EBAA congratulates Antonia Gilbert who was recently appointed chair of the Austrian Business Aviation Association.
Antonia Gilbert appointed Chair of Austrian Business Aviation Association

Meet the newest EBAA members

In these challenging times members continue to see the need for EBAA’s guidance and support. Meet our new, recently joined members:
Meet the newest EBAA members

EBAA welcomes launch of Spanish Business Aviation Association

This past January saw the launch of the Spanish Business Aviation Association, which aims to establish and maintain contacts with all relevant national authorities and agencies to positively influence the development of Business aviation in Spain.
EBAA welcomes launch of Spanish Business Aviation Association

Augmented Approaches to Land II: An EU-Funded project

EFVS operations are a key solution to expand access at secondary aerodromes in degraded weather conditions, maximising overall flexibility of operations as well as reducing the environmental footprint of a flight.
Augmented Approaches to Land II: An EU-Funded project

GAPPRE: Going the extra mile in runway safety

In January 2021, a group of more than 40 organisations, led by the Flight Safety Foundation and EUROCONTROL, presented the first volume of the work undertaken over the past 2 years. The release of the document has only suffered a delay of 2 months, despite the pandemic, proving once again the aviation’s ecosystem commitment to the mantra “Build Back Better”. 
GAPPRE: Going the extra mile in runway safety

Pilot licensing: How global cooperation can help to ease pilots’ life

Global cooperation among regulatory authorities on policy frameworks, standards and certification processes is of key importance to aviation which is, by nature, a cross-border business. Council Decision (EU) 2020/1697 covers licensing and flight simulation training devices into the scope of the mutual recognition processes about safety oversight.
Pilot licensing: How global cooperation can help to ease pilots’ life

Cyber Security in the European Digital Strategy: upcoming changes?

The uptake of digital technologies has grown exponentially in the last months since the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic. Since it is one of the key priorities in the European Digital Strategy by the European Commission, Business aviation is also gradually being immersed into digitalisation and needs to build cyber-resilience.
Cyber Security in the European Digital Strategy: upcoming changes?

Brexit: The story's not over yet

The end of the Brexit transition period meant significant changes for our operators, notably regarding traffic rights, permits & authorisations, certifications & licences and taxation.
Brexit: The story's not over yet

Brexit: Returned Goods Relief

As a result of the UK’s departure from the European Union’s single market on 31 December 2020, there has been an increase in queries regarding the application of Returned Goods Relief (RGR).
Brexit: Returned Goods Relief

Extended Brexit Guidance

Following the publishing of the draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, EBAA continuously provides guidance to operators on how to continue operations in a post-Brexit reality.
Extended Brexit Guidance

Israel suspends all flights through 31 January

The Israeli government has announced that Ben Gurion International Airport (LLBG/TLV) will close completely to all arrivals and departures from midnight on 26 January through to 31 January.
Israel suspends all flights through 31 January

Initial guidance on the draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

On Saturday 26 December 2020, the European Commission published the Draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The draft agreement foresees cooperation between the EU and UK and contains dedicated titles on transport and aviation which require appropriate level playing field guarantees.
Initial guidance on the draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

Netherlands bans flights from UK over new COVID19 mutation

The Netherlands has banned flights from the United Kingdom out of concern for a new mutation of the virus that causes COVID19
Netherlands bans flights from UK over new COVID19 mutation

The 2020 Safety Summit: Resilience – Human and Business

This year’s theme looked into what happens when the concept of “business as usual” is overturned by an unprecedented event and how businesses have to adjust and find alternate ways to attain safety compliance, all while also caring for the wellbeing of their people.
The 2020 Safety Summit: Resilience – Human and Business

ATM reform in motion

The long-awaited legislative proposal will hopefully be approved by the end of 2021
ATM reform in motion

EBAA signs member sharing agreement with Irish association

EBAA has entered into a member sharing agreement with the recently launched Irish Business and General Aviation Association (IBGAA).
EBAA signs member sharing agreement with Irish association

Brexit & Business aviation: the live FAQ

In case you missed it, we published the live Q&A on Brexit with the UK Civil Aviation Authority.
Brexit & Business aviation: the live FAQ