Working Groups

Risk Management Committee (AMAC)

EBAA’s Risk Management Committee works to improve knowledge, methodologies and instruments to support the insurance industry meet the specific needs of Business aviation operators.



The objectives of the Risk Management Committee are to circumvent dry up of financing (re)sources by identifying new means and potential new stakeholders. It also aims to promote solutions at European level aiming at reducing insurance risks while considering Business aviation operators’ view and to encourage industry cooperation and education.

The Committee also works to; establish a list of means and specialised insurance professionals in Europe and across the world; promote aviation insurance solutions applicable throughout the EU to reduce the risk/obstacles perceived by potential insurers; define new methodologies and instruments to help support the insurance industry for the specific and evolving needs of Business aviation.

Do you want to join or find out more?

Please get in touch with the EBAA committee co-chairs

Picture of
Etienne Sortais Risk Management Committee Chair

Related reading

EBAA Insurance Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 440.05 KB
Download: EBAA Insurance Sub-Committee Terms of Reference