Key MEPs discuss the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act in the European Parliament

On 6 July, the environmental and economic Committees in the European Parliament (ENVI and ECON) held an exchange of views with Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union Mairead McGuinness on the EU Taxonomy and the Climate Delegated Act on technical screening criteria also affecting Business aviation...

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In a question posed by Marian-Jean Marinescu (EPP, Romania) regarding the reason to exclude Business Aviation from the current Delegated Act (especially when there are European manufacturers affected), Commissioner McGuinness argued that the Taxonomy does not contradict existing laws as it primarily focuses on target setting, thus allowing for higher ambitions.

She also mentioned that aviation is sufficiently covered in the framework, however if there is appetite the Commission could look into adding Business aviation, taking into consideration the emissions per person principle. Furthermore, she stressed that €200 billion annually is needed in the transport sector to meet the Green Deal objectives.

EBAA takes note of the outcome of the debate and emphasises  the positive value of Business aviation as a catalyst for innovation. Cutting financial flows from this segment of the aviation sector will not only harm the decarbonisation efforts of the industry but the diverging criteria will inevitably harm the global level playing field by distorting competition.

EBAA looks forward to further contributing to the debate and discussing the technical screening criteria with key stakeholders.

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